Application Process & Deadlines

  • Complete an online application for the scholarship,
    no later than June 1 of the year you intend to begin college
  • Applications will be reviewed to verify that applicants are Eagle Scouts and that they live in Nebraska or in Harrison, Mills, or Pottawattamie County in Iowa. Applicants who meet these criteria will be notified that they have received the scholarship, contingent upon submitting proof of enrollment at an eligible institution.
  • All communication with applicants will be conducted via email.
Eagle Scout Folding Flag

Application Deadline

Apply for the scholarship no later than June 1.

"Success in life is the product of clear and unambiguous influences. One of the most important influences was the Boy Scouts of America. The instruction I received during Scouting in how to formulate, follow through with, and achieve concrete goals was a foundational experience in my personal journey to success."

- Walter Scott, Jr.